Donate fabric, quilt tops or quilts

Donated quilt being pinned
To donate fabric, quilts or quilt tops

Contact either the National Office at, phone (613) 843-9212, or email the
Victoria's Quilts Canada Branch nearest you.

You can donate fabric. The fabric:

  • must be washable, 100% cotton
  • may be any colour, pattern, or solid that is suitable for making quilts for adults (Note: although we also make quilts for children and youth, our greatest need is for fabric to make adult quilts)
  • may be donated as remnants, in bulk, even squares as small as six inches
  • may be flannelette, which we use on the back of our quilts to make them warm and cozy.

Donated batting should be either 100% cotton OR a blend of 80% natural fibre (cotton, silk, bamboo) with no more than 20% synthetic (polyester), either in bags or from the bolt.

You can also donate quilts or quilt tops, provided they meet our specifications.

Updated: January 17, 2025